SPC cannot accept online payments, process or distribute financial aid, or provide refunds between 3:00 pm on Friday, June 28, through Thursday, July 4


Academic Pathways & Partnerships

Transfer Pathways


Transfer Partnerships

In addition to our Minnesota State pathways, we also have unique agreements with other universities, including University of Minnesota, Augsburg University, St. Catherine University, and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Bemidji Logo
Metro State Logo
MSU Mankato Logo
MSU Moorhead Logo
Southwest MSU Logo
Saint Cloud Logo
Winona State Logo

Transfer Partnerships

Auggie Plan


St. Kate’s Complete

mg电子试玩app完成你的副学士学位,并准备好无缝过渡到圣保罗大学. Catherine University bachelor’s degree.

MnCap – The Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program

Saint Paul College is a member of MnCAP, the Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program, 这是明尼苏达大学双城分校和明尼苏达州立大学系统之间的合作安排.

Transfer Advantage


Auggie Plan


奥吉计划允许您在四年中获得mg电子试玩app和奥格斯堡顾问的额外支持和指导. 在与奥格斯堡顾问合作时,可以进行课程调整以满足任何专业的要求.

If you like to learn with people of diverse backgrounds, are excited by city life, and are motivated by hands-on learning, you’re a good fit for the Auggie Plan.

有关奖学金和奥吉计划标准的更多细节,请联系奥格斯堡大学 visit the scholarship website.

Summaiah Junaid, Auggie Plan Director, is at junaids@augsburg.edu to sign up for the plan or get more information. 

Auggie Plan Requirements

  • Earn your AA Degree, or 60 transferable credits, within two academic years (fall, spring, and summer terms)
  • Receive a 2.0 GPA or higher at the time of transferring
  • 是明尼苏达州的居民,并从明尼苏达州的高中毕业

Is this affordable?
因为参加奥吉计划的学生进入奥格斯堡时处于初级阶段, many will qualify for merit-based scholarships, 使获得四年制私立大学学位,获得基于需求的助学金和可管理的学生贷款成为可能. PELL资助在两年内完成计划的合格学生可能有资格获得2+2奖学金.

Augsburg University
2211 Riverside Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Augsburg Logo

St. Kate’s Complete

mg电子试玩app完成你的副学士学位,并准备好无缝过渡到圣保罗大学. Catherine University bachelor’s degree.

With St. Kate’s Complete, you can

  • Complete an AA, AFA, 从mg电子试玩app获得AS或AAS学位或明尼苏达转学课程,并完成大部分St. Kate’s general core requirements.
  • 大多数课程在四年内获得副学士和学士学位(2+2).
  • Choose from a variety of programs and majors.
  • Create a flexible and personalized program path.
  • 从各种格式和时间表中选择,包括晚上/周末和在线选项.
  • Pay only for what you need. 我们的顾问将帮助您选择合适的项目和课程,避免重复和额外的费用.
  • 获得顾问和工具,使每一个学分计数从头到尾.

St. Catherine University
2004 Randolph Ave
St Paul, MN 55105

Get Started
Contact St. Kate’s Associate Director of Admission, Susan Rudd 612.554.7897 or slrudd@stkate.edu or Saint Paul College Pathway Advising 651.846.1739 or advising@viccii.net.

Scholarship for St. Kate’s Com
With a customized and clear program track from the start, 你只需要学习符合核心要求的课程并支付费用,这些课程将适用于你的学位. Most St. 凯特的学生也有资格获得经济援助和其他奖学金, including an exclusive scholarship for St. Kate’s Complete transfer students from Saint Paul College.

$3,000 Scholarship for St. Kate’s Complete students

  • Requirements for College for Women students:
    • The student earned a degree before enrolling at St. Kate’s and graduated with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
    • 学生在秋季和春季学期至少注册了12个学分
    • 奖学金分为春季学期和秋季学期,奖学金期限最长为两年.
  • College for Adults students:
    • The student earned a degree before enrolling at St. Kate’s and graduated with a -GPA of 2.5 or higher.
    • 学生在秋季,春季或夏季学期至少注册了6个学分.
    • The scholarship is split between Spring, Fall, and Summer terms and awarded for a maximum of two years.
St. Catherine University

Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program (MnCAP)

Saint Paul College is a member of MnCAP, the Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program, 这是明尼苏达大学双城分校和明尼苏达州立大学系统之间的合作安排, 旨在促进学生从明尼苏达州的公立两年制校园转到明尼苏达大学内的选择学院.

Saint Paul College students who are eligible for the MnCAP​ Program 并成功完成文学副学士学位要求,将被明尼苏达大学参与学院录取,当他们满足MnCAP的入学要求时.


并不是明尼苏达大学的所有学院都参加了MnCAP项目. Participating U of M colleges are as follows: 

  • College of Biological Sciences (CBS)
  • College of Continuing Education (CCE) (Construction Management, Health Services Management, Information Technology Infrastructure, Manufacturing Operations Management)
  • College of Design (CDes) (Landscape Design & Planning only)
  • College of Education & 人类发展(仅限家庭社会科学、康乐管理及青少年研究)
  • College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS)
  • College of Liberal Arts (CLA)
  • College of Science and Engineering (CSE) (Astrophysics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Mathematics, and Physics only)

The University of Minnesota
240 Williamson Hall
231 Pillsbury Drive S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0213

MnCAP Logo

Transfer Advantage

明尼苏达圣玛丽大学为学生提供了获得学士学位的途径. 它被称为转学优势,是为那些已经完成副学士学位的学生设计的,他们可以转学到明尼苏达圣玛丽大学完成学士学位. Students need to take at least 36 credits from Saint Mary’s; the remaining general education credits can be completed at Saint Mary’s or transferred from other sources.


Saint Mary’s University Contact Information

Heidi Thury​
Transfer Counselor

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Campus
2500 Park Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Transfer Your Credits
Saint Mary’s University accepts:

  • Up to 84 transfer credits (earning C or better)
  • Technical credits
  • Prior learning credits
    • Military, industry, 以及通过美国教育委员会(ACE)或先前学习评估(PLA)进行的商业培训
    • International credits via evaluated by ECE, WES, or other agencies
  • Up to 35 credits of past learning and/or work experience via PLA

Plan Your Degree

  • 要转学,至少需要30个大学水平的学分,成绩为“C”或更高.
  • ENGL 1711 Composition 1 must be completed.
  • 访问圣玛丽的转学顾问或提交您的成绩单(非官方或官方)进行学分转移评估.
Saint Mary's Logo