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Title IX

Saint Paul College is committed to providing a learning environment free from violence, harassment, and discrimination.

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits harassment and discrimination based on gender. Commonly, 这意味着学校必须采取措施创造一个安全的环境, 防止性暴力/关系暴力/跟踪暴力, 支持怀孕和分娩的学生. 它还要求学校任命一名第九条协调员,帮助学生了解第九条的流程和系统.

mg电子试玩app的第九条协调员是Mike Gerold (Michael.gerold@viccii.net),学生权利及责任处处长.

If you have any questions or concerns about Title IX services at mg电子试玩app, 请致电651与第九条协调员或第九条办公室联系.846.1327 or titleix@viccii.net. 您可以在以下网址提交在线报告或匿名在线报告 viccii.net/fileareport.



In this section, 我们将讨论第九条联邦法规规定的不同类型的暴力和骚扰.

Warning: The following pages contain definitions that can be triggering or hard to read. 你可以完全跳过这一节,或者稍后再来.

Many advocates tend to use the term “victim” when referring to someone who has recently been affected by sexual violence; when discussing a particular crime; or when referring to aspects of the criminal justice system. “Survivor” is often used to refer to someone who is further along in their healing journey, 或者在讨论性暴力的短期或长期影响时. 有些人认为自己是受害者,而另一些人更喜欢幸存者这个词. 你可以选择任何你觉得合适的术语.

Consent means giving and receiving permission to participate in a sexual activity. Before being sexual with someone, you need to know if they want to be sexual with you too. 理想情况下,同意是一个明确的“是”大声说出来.

必须不断地给予同意. Consenting to one type of activity does not mean that your partner has consented to other activities. Everyone has the right to stop sexual activity at any time and for any reason. Consent is about making sure that everyone who is a part of the activity is excited, engaged, 并且能够说“是”或“不是”,每一次.

没有人应该感到压力、操纵或威胁而说“是”.” Someone who is mentally or physically incapacitated or impaired because they are sleeping, unconscious, 或者在药物或酒精的影响下无法给予同意. Additionally, someone might be unable to give consent because of their age or their mental capacity. For more information about consent and Minnesota law visit the Rape and 乱伦全国网络(RAINN): http://www.rainn.org/laws-your-state-minnesota

Sexual Violence
Without consent, 任何性行为(包括口交), genital touching, 而阴道或肛门插入)是性暴力.

性暴力包括性侵犯, rape, 或者任何其他性行为因为一方强迫而发生, coerces, 操纵或恐吓他人.

性暴力可以由陌生人实施, acquaintances, family members, spouses, or dating partners. It includes being touched by someone else or being forced or coerced to touch someone else. 性暴力也可能发生在某人因为太年轻或无行为能力而无法表示同意的情况下.


  • 性权力滥用:当有人喜欢教练时, teacher, 或者宗教领袖利用他们的权威地位来强迫, coerce, 或者操纵某人进行性行为,
  • Intimate partner sexual violence: when a spouse or partner uses sexual violence,
  • 儿童性虐待;
  • 乱伦或对家庭成员的性虐待;
  • 生殖胁迫和安全性行为破坏:一方控制或干预与生殖和性健康有关的决策. 这包括破坏生育控制, 强迫某人进行无保护措施的性行为, 或者在未经同意的情况下取下避孕套(有时被称为“偷”)。,
  • 性交易和商业性剥削:当有人要求另一个人用性交易来赚钱, food, a place to stay, 或者毒品,或者强迫他们参与色情或脱衣, and
  • 未经同意的露骨图片:指某人未经允许拍摄或发布露骨照片或视频, 有时被称为“复仇色情片”.”

欲了解更多关于性暴力的信息,请访问RAINN: rainn.org/types-sexual-violence

关系暴力,也被称为家庭暴力或约会暴力,是现任或前任亲密伴侣为获得和维持对另一方的权力和控制而使用的一种行为模式. It can happen when people are married, living together, dating, or after the relationship has ended.

关系暴力可能发生在只约会一次的人身上, 刚开始约会, 或者已经在一起很多年了.

关系暴力可能包括使用身体暴力, sexual violence, 威胁和恐吓, isolation, emotional abuse, 精神和文化虐待, 经济剥夺, 财政滥用. Someone can seek help no matter what type or types of abuse they have experienced.

For more information about 暴力的关系 visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline: thehotline.org/is-this-abuse/abuse-defined

跟踪是针对不受欢迎的人的行为, unwelcome, 或者没有回报,导致他们恐惧或严重的情绪困扰.

跟踪包括跟踪某人等行为, tracking someone, 发送不想要的礼物或信息, 打不需要的电话, damaging property, 监控电话和科技产品的使用, 或者发布关于某人的信息或散布谣言.

有关跟踪的更多信息,请访问RAINN: rainn.org/articles/stalking

Sexual Harassment
性骚扰是一种不受欢迎的性行为,它干扰了某人在学校或工作中感到舒适的权利. 它可以包括评论、笔记、信息、手势或身体接触. 它使学习或工作环境充满敌意和不舒服. This includes repeatedly asking someone on a date, especially if they have already said “no.”


有关跟踪的更多信息,请访问RAINN: http://rainn.org/articles/sexual-harassment


怀孕或遭受性暴力/家庭暴力/跟踪暴力, 你可以在 http://viccii.net/fileareport. 你也可以与校园里的个人/办公室联系:

学生成功主任:Pepe Wonosikou
651.403.4007 -行政办公室 pepe.wonosikou@viccii.net

学生权利和责任主任 & 第九条协调员:Mike Gerold
651.846.1327 -行政办公室 michael.gerold@viccii.net

651.846.1322 – psafety@viccii.net

如果你想和校园里的秘密人士谈谈, 你可以联系心理健康小组的人

651.350.3035 -精神健康办公室 merrie.haskins@viccii.net

651.350.3037 -精神健康办公室 pamela.norling@viccii.net

指导老师:Lisa Hanes-Goodlander
651.846.1383 -精神健康办公室 lisa.hanesgoodlander@viccii.net

Advocacy Services mg电子试玩app与SOS性暴力服务(651-266-1000)和圣保罗和拉姆齐县家庭暴力干预项目(SPIP)合作,提供校园幸存者支持服务.645.2824). 联系SOS或SPIP,了解更多关于他们的服务和时间表.


(完整的程序和政策可以在这里找到 http://policies.viccii.net).

在本节中,我们将研究一个更简单的, clearer breakdown of the process after reporting sexual/domestic/stalking violence. If the person who reportedly caused harm is not a student or employee there will not be an investigation, 但学院将提供安全和支持措施.

学院有两种主要方法来解决性骚扰问题, sexual violence, 暴力的关系, 或者当造成伤害的人是学生或员工时跟踪. 学生权利和责任主任将首先与学生见面讨论情况, 制定适当的安全和支持措施. The Director will also evaluate if the report is a conduct code violation or a Title IX violation, 解释学生的选择和接下来的步骤. 如果违反了第九条,局长将分享关于第九条正式和非正式解决程序的信息. 在整个过程中,主任将继续与学生会面.

Conduct Process
If the Director determines that the situations falls under the Student Code of Conduct process, found here: 学生行为准则政策.06.00.0. Essentially, 学生权利和责任主任(或由主任指定的其他管理人员)将调查情况, 听取各方意见. 然后他们将对此案作出裁决. 如果任何一方对结果不满意, 有一个上诉程序可以让其他人审理此案.

Title IX Process
如果局长认为情况符合1B条款.3 Title IX policies, the reporting student can choose either the Informal or the Formal process.

Informal Process: 如果双方都同意,就可以达成非正式协议. 只有当造成伤害的人对他们造成的伤害负责时,这才适用. 非正式解决的一些可能结果包括造成伤害的人同意不联系命令, making an apology, 或接受教育或培训,以防止他们造成未来的伤害. Either person can decide that they want to change to a formal resolution at any time.

Formal Process: If informal resolution is not appropriate or desired, there may be a formal resolution process. Both people must have an advisor to be their representative throughout the process. Each person can select their own advisor or ask that the college assign them an advisor. 在正式的决议过程中, 主要有三个步骤:调查, hearing, 以及决策.

  1. 调查:学院将指派或雇用一名训练有素的调查员收集证据并采访证人. The investigator will collect evidence which will be presented at the hearing. 在听证会之前,双方及其顾问都将有机会审查报告并提出意见或更正.
  2. 听证会:听证会主要涉及三个群体:
    1. Hearing officials, including the Director who facilitates the hearing and the Decision Maker.
    2. 遭受伤害的人和他们的顾问.
    3. 据报道造成伤害的人和他们的顾问.
  3. 决策:决策者决定是否有证据表明违规行为发生了. 基于这个决定, 决策者选择对造成伤害的人的制裁, 以政策法规为指导.

如果你对学院处理你的案件的方式或正式程序的结果不满意, 你可以上诉. The appeal process will be listed in the decision outcome; otherwise, you can find it in the policies of the College (link at the start of this section).

You can also file a complaint with the US Department of Education for Civil Rights (OCR). 你可以在这里找到更多信息 ed.gov/ocr.



如果你正在怀孕或分娩,获得支持的最简单方法是尽快与第九条协调员联系(越早你就能得到支持), 就越容易支持你!你也可以和你的老师谈谈, advisor, 或者大学里的任何教职员工——他们应该能帮你找到第九条办公室.

In order to get support through the Title IX Office for pregnancy or childbirth, 你需要提供医生的证明文件. 你可以在与第九条协调员第一次谈话之前准备好这张便条,这样可以节省时间——第一张便条可以只写你的预产期和任何已知的并发症或可能影响你学业的事情.

Support can look different for different students – each student has their own situation. 支持不能改变作业的基本方面(调整目标或学习成果), and cannot change state- or board-mandated requirements (a common one being hours for clinical courses). 下面是一些常用的支持:

  • Excused absences
  • 额外的时间用于测试或延长作业
  • Flexible due dates
  • 使用更大的桌子或座位
  • 允许坐、站等.
  • 切换到在线/异步课程(如果有的话)

School is already stressful; going to school while managing such a life-altering event as pregnancy or recovery is even moreso! Here are some things that tend to promote success in classes while pregnant:

  • If possible, connect with the Title IX Office and your faculty before delivery. 提前计划要比回头试着赶上来得容易.
  • 沟通,沟通,再沟通! Seriously, the more you can keep in touch with your faculty and the Title IX Office, the better.
  • See if you can work ahead on assignments/readings if your due date is upcoming.
  • If possible, 提前安排支持——几周后帮忙照顾孩子, a plan if you can return to classes in a week or two (and a plan if you can’t!), connect with mental health professionals at the College or outside of the College, 学习如何安排与导师/学术支持人员的会议, etc.
  • Consider your class load and/or the form of classes for the semester of delivery. 有临床或国家规定课时的课程极难补习(有时甚至是不可能补习)!). Online, 异步课程在恢复时很容易使用, 但并不是每个人都能很好地适应这种上课方式. Knowing how you learn best, and considering how much capacity you’ll have during recovery, is key!
  • 记住,随着怀孕的进行,情况会发生变化. 如果最初制定的计划不起作用, 跟进第九章办公室讨论调整.

如果你怀孕了,需要支持/资源, 请尽快与第九条办公室联系:

Office 1429, 651.846.1327, michael.gerold@viccii.net



为性暴力/家庭暴力/跟踪暴力/骚扰暴力的幸存者提供支持, 请浏览反暴力网页: viccii.net/antiviolence. The information under “Supporting a Survivor” and “Resources for Faculty/Staff” are especially helpful.

For supporting students who are pregnant, please refer them to the Title IX Office right away. 尽早制定计划通常会带来更好的结果. You can make a referral by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or with the online 怀孕学生转介表格.

Office 1429, 651.846.1327, michael.gerold@viccii.net

如果你有其他问题, 请联系上面的Mike Gerold或参考在学年开始时提供给教师和院长的入门-第九条教师版本文件.


如果你或你认识的人遭受过性暴力,请注意本节的重要链接, 暴力的关系, stalking, 或者性骚扰.

Submit a report
提交一份性暴力报告, 暴力的关系, stalking, 或者性骚扰, 在这里找到链接: viccii.net/fileareport

Outside Advocacy
mg电子试玩app与当地倡导组织合作,为性暴力幸存者提供支持, 暴力的关系, or stalking. Advocates are confidential, and available to talk, safety plan and offer resources 24 hours a day. If you have experienced any of these and would like to contact an advocate for support, 请按下列其中一个连结:


性暴力政策和程序可在此找到: policies.viccii.net. mg电子试玩app也符合明尼苏达州学院和大学(明尼苏达州)系统政策1B.3. 性暴力政策 and 性暴力诉讼程序1B.3.1.


By federal law, 学校必须提供第九条官员以及所有第九条调查员和决策者所接受的培训. 这是为现任第九条协调员准备的培训材料, Investigators, 和决策者.




By federal law, all students must complete a Sexual Violence Prevention Training within their first semester. 所有学生在学期开始时自动注册, 培训地点在你的D2L. For information on how to access and navigate the training, please refer to the 预防性暴力培训D2L简介文件.

如果培训未在开学前两周内完成, 您的帐户将被注册. 如果你的账户有保留并且完成了培训, 应在24-48小时内解除羁留. However, 如果不在这段时间内, 请联系第九条协调员, Mike Gerold, at michael.gerold@viccii.net or 651.846.1327.

如果你是性暴力或关系暴力的幸存者, stalking, 或性骚扰,并感到无法完成性暴力预防培训,请随时与第九条协调员联系, Mike Gerold, at 651.846.1327 or michael.gerold@viccii.net 以另一种格式接收适当的信息.